
Monday, August 2, 2010

Innovation and Networking

So I have been watching TED talks recently and stumbled across one by Jesse Schell titled "When games invade real life".

As a millennial this speaks directly to me. Yes, let's turn our school grading systems into games with experience points, levels, and achievements. Let's integrate all of our shopping, nutrition, and media experiences.

This has been especially relevant within the realm of online television. Hulu asks me if the advertisement they are showing is relevant to me, and I respond with enthusiasm. I find that I do watch the advertisements that relate to my daily purchasing decisions while I use StumbleUpon during those that are not.

If only I could integrate this mass customization into all the advertising media I see and all the campaigns my company uses. I would much rather get 100 web impressions of people who find the campaign relevant than 1,000 web impressions of people in the general demographic.

This could be used in several important ways. Within the casino industry, gaming is everything. Allowing our customers and guests to take the experience with them, whether it is in a mobile application or in combination with their rewards program and a social media outlet, will enhance the experience and let them know we don't just care about them when they are gambling or staying at our hotel. Rather we appreciate them and want our brand to be incorporated into their enjoyment of everyday life.


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