
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Show Must Go On

As I venture closer to the end of my final semester as a student, it occurs to me that after years of working close to or full-time coupled with attending college full-time not to mention extra-curriculur activites such as Beta Gamma Sigma and UNLV AMA, after December, I will have an inordinate amount of time on my hands.

Every summer since I was six years old I have looked forward with excitement and fervor to the new school year, new teachers, new classes, new things to learn. As August slowly faded, I grew bored and impatient, throwing away the lazy days to pour over class supply and reading lists.

But now, I can't help to think "Will I still grow bored after entering my career field entirely?"

I cannot imagine I will, I believe I will simply turn the time spent into more research time, and possibly theater time! The trepidation is still there, taunting me, will I, won't I, be filled with ennui?

No! I will not. I will find new passions, new friends, and new excitement to fill my days. I have already begun by returning to my dance and theater roots with Slave of the Muse. Just this past weekend at the Age of Chivalry Renaissance Faire in Las Vegas, Nevada we performed for all of the guilds with a presentation of Lord Dei Mortus, Queen Dei Mortus, and Lord of Purgatory. See the pictures on Facebook.


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